
Amanda E. Shore has been building private art collections and private art museums for collectors since 2003. Amanda and her company, Cambridge Art Gallery, has a respected reputation within the global art market and has a proven track record of buying power and presence in her field. Her gallery serves her client’s needs from beginning to end.
Amanda provides her collector’s unique services, that many art consultants, dealers, galleries, etc. do not offer or extend. She works exclusively for her client’s interests which is paramount in driving her to achieve their discerning goals and their very high expectations for building their collections. It is a 24/7 role which requires an enormous commitment. What usually takes a lifetime to achieve in collecting great art collections, Amanda achieves in a much shorter timeframe. Her strong established relationships in the artworld have created important and significant partnerships globally, with the finest art resources and expertise in the world, this strong platform allows her to create important art collections into a reality. What makes her company unique, is that it works with the highest level of discretion and integrity, by using every resource of the company’s strong standing in the artworld, her clients benefit from those respected relationships, so collecting on a vast level is made to appear effortless for her clients, because Cambridge Art Gallery attends to all of the details, she removes the elements that most art experts leave to the client, there are very few, if any, at this level of acquiring art who undertake such commitments for the client, than she does.
Amanda works directly with world-renowned artists, foundations, foundries, and the most prestigious art museums, as well as top art galleries. She has created strong relationships with the major auction houses, and global art service providers, and there are few in her field who work at such an extensive level. Over her working career, she has sourced the world’s rarest works of art, it’s important to her to achieve acquisitions at remarkable prices, saving her clients millions of dollars, her client’s benefit upon every level, making it seem effortless while taking away all the stressful elements in collecting.
Her company, addresses all global details: shipping, insurance, installation, storage, noted conservators, and the finest framers, very few companies at this level undertake these important responsibilities, and this is one of the many reasons why it makes her a unique presence in the artworld, most in her field pass them off to the collector. She creates strong relationships with known artists, and it’s important for her that the collector and the artist achieve their goal, she serves in making the relationship an effortless one, whether creating a monumental sculpture, or a personal painting, she addresses it all from start to completion. When it comes to site-specific commissions, her strong relationships in the art-world enable her to offer each client the best opportunities for collecting, working directly with the worlds most noted artists in all mediums for the commissions they require, it’s important that all components are addressed, working with the best installers and architects to make the installation process easier for all, her company undertakes these responsibilities.
Many of her clients create vast private art collections and some create private art museums, from 19th Century to Contemporary, she feels it’s important that she aligns with each client’s unique vision and passion for the art they wish to collect. Amanda is one of the few people in the world who is approached for private offerings, because she holds a deep regard for those she works with and vice-versa, she never collects and tells, which has served her clients extremely well upon so many levels.
What is important to Amanda is the relationships she creates with each of her clients and is one that spans a lifetime. because collecting is a lifelong passion and each of her clients are creating their legacy and she makes sure that their goals, and their desires for building their collections is always being reached.